the chinese name ying translates to what name in american

In Chinese civilisation, name plays an important role in Chinese people'due south life. Parents have a keen responsibility to cull a good name for their infant. Chinese parents believe good names volition bring practiced luck and fortune to their child.

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  • Chinese Names: Surname + Given Name
  • Common Chinese Male child/Daughter Names and Their Meanings
  • Funny Chinese Names
  • How to Cull Your Chinese Proper noun

Chinese Names: Surname + Given Name

Chinese names consist of a family name and a given proper name. The family name comes first followed by a given name. Most family names are but one Chinese grapheme. A few have two characters. Most given names have two characters, some have 1, and very occasionally three are used.

Chinese name Chinese Name vs English language Proper noun

Meridian 10 Near Common Chinese Surnames

Chinese "surnames" (family name) come offset when written, reverse to the Western name order. There are about 2,000 Chinese surnames in use today, but about half of all Han Chinese people share the same xix surnames!

The most common surnames are Wang and Li (each with nearly seven% of Red china's population, compared to almost 0.viii% for Smith, the Us's nearly mutual surname). The next 8 in the top 10 most common Chinese surnames are: Zhang, Liu, Chen, Yang, Huang, Zhao, Wu, and Zhou.

Surname Population Percentage
李 (Lǐ) 95,300,000 7.94%
王 (Wáng) 88,900,000 seven.41%
张 (Zhāng) 84,800,000 7.07%
刘 (Liú) 64,600,000 five.38%
陈 (Chén) 54,400,000 4.53%
杨 (Yáng) 37,000,000 iii.08%
赵 (Zhào) 27,500,000 2.29%
黄 (Huáng) 26,800,000 2.23%
周 (Zhōu) 25,400,000 two.12%
吴 (Wú) 24,600,000 2.05%

Changing Your Name Later on Union?In China, women don't alter their surnames when they get married. And nowadays, kids' surnames can be the same as their female parent's or father's (or they could take both, like a double-barreled surname). Traditionally, Chinese children always take their father'southward family name.

Chinese family names

Chinese Given Names

Virtually all Chinese given names are fabricated up of one, 2, or three Chinese characters, which are written after the surnames. Two-grapheme given names are past far the most popular for most Chinese.

Very few people have three characters for their given name. Some of these people have their female parent's family name as the first character of their given names. For case, Daming whose family name is Li is called Lidaming. Chinese given names have many taboos. One of them is using the name of old relatives or just copying the name of a famous person or celebrity. Sons mustn't have the same names equally their fathers.

Chinese Generation Names

A Chinese generation proper name is 1 of the characters in a standard two-character Chinese given proper noun, which is shared past the same generation, such as cousins or siblings. The character used tin can be the first or second ane.

In a big traditional Chinese family, you will see many young boys or girls sharing the same generation character in their given names. Sometimes the boys will have one generation name and the girls another.

For example, 李祖阳 and 李祖丽 share the same character '祖'.

Chinese generation names

Mutual Chinese Names and Their Meanings

Given names of a certain year oft commemorate some important result. Such as Jianguo ('Found Canton') was used by many babies born during the year that Modern People's republic of china was founded (1949). Virtually Chinese given names have meanings of 'happiness', 'beauty', 'fortune', or 'good wishes.

Popular Chinese Female person/Girl Names

Near traditional Chinese female names are related to 'beauty', 'happiness', 'flowers', or 'jade'. Hither are some top female names:

  • 1. Ai 爱 – Dearest
  • ii. Fang 芳(fang) – Fragrance
  • 3. Jing 静 – at-home/quiet
  • 4. Li 丽– pretty
  • v. Min 敏– nimble/clever
  • 6. Yan 燕– consume
  • seven. Xiu 秀–elegant/graceful
  • eight. Ya 雅– elegant
  • ix. Hua 花–flower
  • x. Fen 芬–aroma
  • eleven. Xiang 香– fragrance
  • 12. Chun 春–spring
  • 13. Mei 美 –beauty

Top 10 Near Popular Chinese Female/Daughter Names

According to the surveys of the Ministry of Public Security of Cathay, the acme x about popular Chinese girl's names correct now are the following:

  • 1. 一诺 (Yī nuò) – one promise
  • 2. 依诺 (Yī nuò) – follow hope
  • iii. 欣怡 (Xīn yí)– happy/quiet
  • 4. 梓涵 (Zǐ hán)– catalpa tree mellow
  • 5. 语桐 (Yǔ tóng)– speak Firmiana Simplex tree
  • half-dozen. 欣妍 (Xīn yán)– vitality/dazzler
  • 7. 可欣 (Kě xīn)–merit admiration
  • 8. 语汐 (Yǔ xī)– speak dark tide
  • ix.  雨桐 (Yǔ tóng)–rain Firmiana Simplex tree
  • ten.  梦瑶 (Mèng yáo)–dream/jade

30 More than Chinese Baby Girl Names to Inspire You

  • 1. 婵娟 (chán juān) – the moon
  • 2. 春华 (chūn huá) – spring grace
  • 3. 冬梅 (dōng méi)– winter plums
  • 4. 慧颖 (huì yǐng)– clever beauty
  • v. 慧芬 (huì fēn)– wise scent
  • half dozen. 佳丽 (jiā lì)– good and beautiful
  • 7. 佳怡(jiā yí)–auspicious
  • 8. 佳慧 (jiā huì)– expert smart
  • 9. 兰芬 (lán fēn)–olfactory property of an orchid
  • 11. 丽华 (lì huá)–beautiful elegant
  • 12. 丽梅 (lì méi)–beautiful plum bloom
  • thirteen. 丽娜 (lì nà)–cute/svelte
  • fourteen. 美莲 (měi lián)–cute lotus
  • 15. 明霞 (míng xiá)–bright glow
  • sixteen. 明珠 (míng zhū)–brilliant pearl
  • 17. 巧慧 (qiǎo huì)–Smart wise
  • 18. 小丹 (xiǎo dān)–little dawn
  • 19. 小慧 (xiǎo huì)–little wisdom
  • 20. 玉明 (yù míng)–jade brightness
  • 21. 诗云 (shī yún)–poem cloud
  • 22. 美琪 (měi qí)–beautiful jade
  • 23. 艺桐 (yì tóng)–art firmiana simplex
  • 24. 若瑄 (ruò xuān)–tawny solar day-lily
  • 25. 欣悦 (xīn yuè)–joyful
  • 26. 妍雅 (yán yǎ)–beauty grace
  • 27. 乐琪 (lè qí)–music jade
  • 28. 思语 (sī yǔ)–recollect and speak
  • 29. 晴怡 (qíng yí)–sunny joy
  • 30. 怡然 (yí rán)–joy and bright

Popular Chinese Male/Boy Names

Traditional Chinese boys' names are typically related to 'forcefulness', 'greatness', 'happiness', 'prosperity', and 'successes. In Chinese culture, males are considered stronger than females. Popular Chinese characters for boys' names include:

  • 1. 强(qiáng) – strength
  • 2. 国(guó) – country
  • 3. 安(ān) – security
  • iv. 刚(gāng) – strong
  • v. 博(bó) – abundant
  • 6. 文(wén) – literate
  • 7. 超(chāo) – surpass
  • 8. 成(chéng) – success
  • nine. 豪(háo) – prosperous
  • 10. 明(míng) – Brilliant
  • eleven. 伟(wěi) – greatness
  • 12. 达(dá) – attainment
  • xiii. 德(dé) – virtue
  • 13. 福(fú) – luck
  • fourteen. 富(fù) – wealth

the pinnacle 10 about popular Chinese boy's names right now are the following:

  • 1. 奕辰 (Yìchén) – grand sunday, moon
  • 2. 宇轩 (Yǔxuān) – universe high
  • 3. 浩宇 (Hàoyǔ)– vast universe
  • 4. 亦辰 (Yìchén) – also universe
  • 5. 宇辰 (Yǔchén) – universe, sun, moon
  • 6. 子墨 (Zǐmò) – refined ink
  • seven. 宇航 (Yǔháng) – universe cruise
  • viii. 浩然 (Hàorán) – vastness
  • 9. 梓豪 (Zǐháo) – catalpa tree heroic
  • 10. 亦宸 (Yìchén) – also celestial dwelling

xxx More Chinese Infant Boy Names to Inspire You lot

  • 1. 明涛 (míng tāo) –bright large moving ridge
  • 2. 浩然 (hào rán) – vast
  • 3. 俊杰 (jùn jié)– outstanding
  • 4. 梓涵 (zǐ hán)– catalpa tree
  • 5. 明哲 (huì fēn)– bright philosophy
  • 6. 泽宏 (jiā lì)– paradigm vast
  • 7. 嘉豪(jiā háo)–wonderful heroic
  • viii. 梓睿 (zǐ ruì)– clever
  • nine. 博文 (bó wén)–vast literate
  • eleven. 一铭 (yī míng)–one imprint
  • 12. 俊德 (jùn dé)–handsome virtue
  • 13. 皓宇 (hào yǔ)–bright universe
  • 14. 浩洋 (hào yáng)–vast sea
  • 15. 永乐 (yǒng lè)–forever happy
  • sixteen. 宇泽 (yǔ zé)–universe image
  • 17. 家伟 (jiā wěi)–family unit great
  • 18. 建豪 (xiǎo dān)–build greatness
  • 19. 伟国 (wěi guó)–great state
  • 20. 明煜 (míng yù)–bright smoothen
  • 21. 子鑫 (zǐ xīn)–son prosperity
  • 22. 石磊 (shí lěi)–stone rocks
  • 23. 智鹏 (zhì péng)–a wise legendary bird
  • 24. 子轩 (ruò xuān)–refined loftier
  • 25. 沐阳 (mù yáng)–bathe the dominicus
  • 26. 乐洋 (lè yáng)–happy sea
  • 27. 博成 (bó chéng)–great success
  • 28. 建宇 (jiàn yǔ)–build universe
  • 29. 天阔 (tiān kuò)–vast sky
  • 30. 东阳 (dōng yáng)–eastern sun

30 Gender-neutral Chinese baby names

  • one. 慧 (huì) – Clever
  • 2. 安 (ān) – peace
  • three. 晨 (chén)– interruption of the twenty-four hour period
  • iv. 春 (chūn) – spring
  • 5. 柳 (liǔ) – willow tree
  • 6. 江 (jiāng) – river
  • 7. 明 (míng) – brightness
  • 8. 平 (píng) – peaceful, stable
  • 9. 善 (shàn) – moderate
  • x. 翔 (xiáng) – flying similar a bird
  • 11. 恒 (héng) – eternal
  • 12. 光 (guāng) – glorious
  • 13. 欢 (huān) – happiness
  • fourteen. 波 (bō) –wavelike
  • 15. 秋 (qiū) – autumn
  • sixteen. 宝 (bǎo) –treasure, jewel
  • 17. 林 (lín) – wood
  • 18. 可 (xiáng) – able
  • xix. 聪 (cōng) – clever
  • xx. 灵 (líng) – smart
  • 21. 文 (wén) – literate
  • 22. 诺 (nuò) – promise
  • 23. 新 (xīn) – new
  • 24. 阳 (yáng) –lord's day
  • 25. 鑫 (xīn) – wealth
  • 26. 详 (xiáng) – peaceful
  • 27. 英 (yīng) –flower, wise
  • 28. 熙 (xī) – happy, bright
  • 29. 晶 (jīng) – effulgence
  • 30. 畅 (chàng) – polish

The Most Beautiful Chinese names

There are many beautiful Chinese names with adept wishes and phonetic harmony. The Chinese characters are combined in a pleasing style and take beautiful meanings. Here are some of the most beautiful names:

  • 映月 Yingyue:Girls' names containing 'moon' accept the cherished meanings of beauty and harmony. The name Yingyue means 'reflection of the moon'.
  • 芷若 Zhiruo:The Chinese characters 芷 and 若 are two herbal plants. In ancient China, many parents give their baby'south name by the name of herbal plants.
  • 望舒 Wangshu:Wang means 'hope' and shu means 'comfy'.
  • 莫愁 Mochou:Mochou means 'free of sadness'.

Funny Chinese Names

Many Chinese characters have the same pronunciation only different meanings. When a family proper name and a given name combine, some of them can be very funny. For case, a human whose family name is 钱 ('Money') could have the total name 钱多 (Qian Duo — 'Coin Much'), which means 'as well much money'!!

Someone with the family name 周 ('Calendar week' is one of several meanings for Zhou) could have the given name 末 (Mo — 'end'), then his name would mean 'weekend'!!

How to Choose Your Chinese Proper name

1. Choose a name that sounds similar to your English name.

For nearly people, choosing a common Chinese name that sounds similar to your English name is fine. For case, if your name is Johnson, your Chinese name tin can be 强生 Qiangsheng /chyang-shng/ or 约翰逊 Yuehansun /ywair-han-swn/. Using translation software might aid to find a good name.

two. Pick a common or popular Chinese name!

Information technology is an easy way to have a squeamish Chinese proper noun.  Check the above popular names.

3. Choice some characters you like, or yous tin can write.

Pick the characters that are easy to read and write for yourself.

4. Ask your Chinese friends' advice.

One of the best ways to choose a Chinese proper name is to enquire your Chinese friends' advice. They will be more familiar with the Chinese characters' meanings and suitability.


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