Wget Read Error at Byte (Operation Timed Out). Retrying.

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Give-and-take Forums > Category: Compute > Forum: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) > Thread: Read timeouts

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Read timeouts

Posted by: Mustafa Incel

Posted on: Jan 6, 2014 v:11 AM

This question is non answered. Reply it to earn points.

I have scheduled tasks to collect news from different sources. Since this morning I get socket read timeouts and it happens randomly at unlike source urls. Since final calendar week there is no new deployment or update. So I call back this is related a network problem. Could you please help?

                                            SEVERE: Read timed out java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out         at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)         at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:152)         at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:122)         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill up(BufferedInputStream.java:235)         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:275)         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.coffee:334)         at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(HttpClient.java:687)         at dominicus.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(HttpClient.coffee:633)         at dominicus.cyberspace.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1323)         at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.coffee:468)         at com.lord's day.syndication.fetcher.impl.HttpURLFeedFetcher.retrieveFeed(HttpURLFeedFetcher.java:122)         at com.innobil.gundem.job.HttpNewsFeedReaderTask.retrieveFeed(HttpNewsFeedReaderTask.java:34)         at com.innobil.gundem.task.NewsFeedReaderTask.processFeed(NewsFeedReaderTask.java:92)         at com.innobil.gundem.task.NewsFeedReaderTask.execute(NewsFeedReaderTask.java:73)         at sun.reverberate.GeneratedMethodAccessor27.invoke(Unknown Source)         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.coffee:43)         at coffee.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)         at org.springframework.scheduling.support.ScheduledMethodRunnable.run(ScheduledMethodRunnable.java:64)         at org.springframework.scheduling.support.DelegatingErrorHandlingRunnable.run(DelegatingErrorHandlingRunnable.java:53)         at org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ReschedulingRunnable.run(ReschedulingRunnable.java:81)         at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)         at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.admission$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:178)         at coffee.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:292)         at coffee.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)         at coffee.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)                                                                                      

Edited by: Mustafa Incel on Jan 6, 2014 5:11 AM

Edited by: Mustafa Incel on Jan half-dozen, 2014 5:11 AM

Edited by: Mustafa Incel on Jan 6, 2014 5:29 AM

Permlink Replies: 7 | Pages: ane - Last Mail: Jan 8, 2014 8:28 AM past: Mustafa Incel


Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: VivekR@aws

Posted on: January 6, 2014 7:54 AM

in response to: Mustafa Incel in response to: Mustafa Incel


I checked your instance and have the following observations.

1) Instance saw CPU spiked to 100% at 2014-01-06T15:32:00.000Z and may exist it could have acquired the error.

2) If the issue continues to reproduce, you tin do stop/start to migrate to new host and eliminate underlying host network as the culprit.

Note: I didn't come across any example store volumes mapped but information stored on them does not persist beyond stop/start. Also you lot would get a new Individual IP after finish/start and need to configure bindings if any. Please brand sure to re-associate your EIP after terminate/start equally it looses its association.

3) Add more debugging to your application to provide more details.


Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: Mustafa Incel

Posted on: Jan 6, 2014 eight:17 AM

in response to: VivekR@aws in response to: VivekR@aws

I already tried terminate/start but didn't assistance. I made another test with wget and randomly I get connectedness/read timeouts from different URLS. Come across the below every bit an case.

                                              [root@ip-ten-228-xiii-155 temp]# wget --timeout=x http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                --2014-01-06 eighteen:xiii:00--  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Resolving world wide web.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)... Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:lxxx... continued. HTTP request sent, pending response... 200 OK Length: 128395 (125K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml.5'   100%[===================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 128,395      456KB/s   in 0.3s   2014-01-06 xviii:13:00 (456 KB/southward) - 'rss_269_0.xml.five' saved [128395/128395]   [root@ip-10-228-thirteen-155 temp]# wget --timeout=10 http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                --2014-01-06 18:13:02--  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Resolving world wide web.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)... Connecting to world wide web.posta.com.tr (world wide web.posta.com.tr)||:eighty... connected. HTTP asking sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 128395 (125K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml.6'   100%[===================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 128,395      603KB/southward   in 0.2s   2014-01-06 eighteen:13:02 (603 KB/s) - 'rss_269_0.xml.half dozen' saved [128395/128395]   [root@ip-10-228-thirteen-155 temp]# wget --timeout=10 http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                --2014-01-06 18:13:04--  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Resolving www.posta.com.tr (world wide web.posta.com.tr)... Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:80... continued. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 128395 (125K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml.vii'    0% [>                                                                                                                                                                                                   ] ane,213       --.-G/s   in 10s   2014-01-06 18:thirteen:xiv (121 B/due south) - Read fault at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                1213/128395 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 18:13:15--  (                                                  try                                                : two)  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 128395 (125K), 127182 (124K) remaining [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml.7'   100%[+==================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 128,395      320KB/s   in 0.4s   2014-01-06 18:13:16 (320 KB/s) - 'rss_269_0.xml.7' saved [128395/128395]                                                                                          

Another url

                                              [root@ip-ten-228-13-155 temp]# wget --timeout=10 http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                --2014-01-06 eighteen:16:12--  http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Resolving www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)... Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)||:80... connected. HTTP asking sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70446 (69K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'Rss_77.xml.i'   100%[===================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 70,446       222KB/southward   in 0.3s   2014-01-06 18:16:xiii (222 KB/due south) - 'Rss_77.xml.ane' saved [70446/70446]   [root@ip-10-228-13-155 temp]# wget --timeout=10 http://world wide web.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                --2014-01-06 18:16:14--  http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Resolving world wide web.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)... Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70446 (69K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'Rss_77.xml.2'    1% [==>                                                                                                                                                                                                 ] 1,211       --.-K/south   in 10s   2014-01-06 eighteen:16:25 (121 B/s) - Read error at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                1211/70446 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 eighteen:sixteen:26--  (                                                  try                                                : ii)  http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)||:fourscore... connected. HTTP asking sent, awaiting response... Read fault (Connection timed out) in headers. Retrying.   --2014-01-06 18:16:38--  (                                                  try                                                : iii)  http://world wide web.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (world wide web.radikal.com.tr)||:80... continued. HTTP asking sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70446 (69K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'Rss_77.xml.2'   100%[===================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 70,446       368KB/southward   in 0.2s   2014-01-06 xviii:16:38 (368 KB/s) - 'Rss_77.xml.2' saved [70446/70446]                                                                                          
Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: VivekR@aws

Posted on: January 6, 2014 9:13 AM

in response to: Mustafa Incel in response to: Mustafa Incel


I had checked the network statistics on underlying host and everything seems to exist fine.

While trying those URLs: I am also getting aforementioned timeouts, which makes me believe its the Source URL itself :

                                                                                              $ wget --timeout=10 http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                --2014-01-06 17:07:53--  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Resolving www.posta.com.tr (world wide web.posta.com.tr)... Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (world wide web.posta.com.tr)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 128428 (125K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml'    0% [                                                                                             ] 1,213       --.-Thousand/s   in 10s   2014-01-06 17:08:03 (121 B/southward) - Read mistake at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                1213/128428 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:08:04--  (                                                  endeavor                                                : two)  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:eighty... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 128428 (125K), 127215 (124K) remaining [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml'    1% [>                                                                                            ] 2,372       --.-K/s   in 10s   2014-01-06 17:08:15 (116 B/s) - Read error at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                2372/128428 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:08:17--  (                                                  attempt                                                : 3)  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Connecting to world wide web.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:eighty... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 128428 (125K), 126056 (123K) remaining [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml'    2% [+>                                                                                           ] 3,531       --.-Chiliad/s   in 10s   2014-01-06 17:08:27 (116 B/south) - Read error at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                3531/128428 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:08:thirty--  (                                                  try                                                : 4)  http://www.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:fourscore... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 128428 (125K), 124897 (122K) remaining [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml'    3% [++>                                                                                          ] four,690       --.-K/s   in 10s   2014-01-06 17:08:twoscore (116 B/southward) - Read error at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                4690/128428 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:08:44--  (                                                  try                                                : v)  http://world wide web.posta.com.tr/xml/rss/rss_269_0.xml                                                Connecting to www.posta.com.tr (www.posta.com.tr)||:80... continued. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 128428 (125K), 123738 (121K) remaining [text/xml] Saving to: 'rss_269_0.xml'   100%[+++=========================================================================================>] 128,428      217KB/s   in 0.6s   2014-01-06 17:08:45 (217 KB/south) - 'rss_269_0.xml' saved [128428/128428]                                                                                          

2d URL -

                                                                                              $  wget --timeout=10 http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                --2014-01-06 17:11:40--  http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Resolving www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)... Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (world wide web.radikal.com.tr)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70446 (69K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'Rss_77.xml'   100%[============================================================================================>] 70,446       251KB/south   in 0.3s   2014-01-06 17:11:xl (251 KB/southward) - 'Rss_77.xml' saved [70446/70446]   [ec2-user@ip-10-202-153-221 test]$  wget --timeout=10 http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                --2014-01-06 17:eleven:43--  http://world wide web.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Resolving www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)... Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (world wide web.radikal.com.tr)||:fourscore... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read fault (Connexion timed out) in headers. Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:eleven:54--  (                                                  endeavor                                                : 2)  http://world wide web.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (world wide web.radikal.com.tr)||:80... continued. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70446 (69K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'Rss_77.xml.one'    one% [>                                                                                            ] 1,214       --.-K/s   in 10s   2014-01-06 17:12:05 (121 B/southward) - Read error at                                                                                                  byte                                                                                                1214/70446 (Connection timed out). Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:12:07--  (                                                  try                                                : iii)  http://www.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, pending response... Read error (Connectedness timed out) in headers. Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:12:xx--  (                                                  endeavour                                                : four)  http://world wide web.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (www.radikal.com.tr)||:fourscore... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection timed out) in headers. Retrying.   --2014-01-06 17:12:34--  (                                                  try                                                : 5)  http://world wide web.radikal.com.tr/d/rss/Rss_77.xml                                                Connecting to www.radikal.com.tr (world wide web.radikal.com.tr)||:fourscore... connected. HTTP asking sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 70446 (69K) [text/xml] Saving to: 'Rss_77.xml.ane'   100%[============================================================================================>] seventy,446       248KB/s   in 0.3s   2014-01-06 17:12:35 (248 KB/s) - 'Rss_77.xml.1' saved [70446/70446]                                                                                          


Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: Mustafa Incel

Posted on: Jan half-dozen, 2014 10:22 AM

in response to: VivekR@aws in response to: VivekR@aws

Only that doesn't explain how many of my sources (urls) started giving timeouts suddenly this morning. Could there be an issue from this network towards Turkey? When I try the same urls locally I don't get timeouts.

Edited by: Mustafa Incel on Jan 6, 2014 10:23 AM

Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: Mustafa Incel

Posted on: Jan vii, 2014 x:45 AM

in response to: VivekR@aws in response to: VivekR@aws

Love Amazon,

Whatsoever progress on this? The same application runs in a different location since yesterday and at that place is no unmarried timeout error.

Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: civanwb

Posted on: Jan eight, 2014 seven:33 AM

in response to: VivekR@aws in response to: VivekR@aws


We have a similar network issues for inbound and outbound connections to Turkey. For the last two days, our API throws random timeout errors by accessing POS service of Turkish Banks.

Also, many of users - particularly users of Turkish Telecom ADSL service- written report connection errors to our website.

Our instances are running on the European union Region. Could this indicate to a network problem between EU Region and Turkish Telecom routers? Do you have other reported incidence?

Cheers very much,


CTO, siberalem.com

Re: Read timeouts

Posted by: Mustafa Incel

Posted on: Jan 8, 2014 eight:28 AM

in response to: VivekR@aws in response to: VivekR@aws


The issues seems to exist resolved somehow. I oasis't got any timeout for well-nigh an hour.


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